God is at work in each person's life.
Feb. 12th, we will learn the three basic steps of our story with God.
Step 1 - What my life was like before Christ became my Lord and Savior
Step 2 - How God changed and saved me
Step 3 - What my life is like now, how my life is better because of Christ.
This simple outline is also good to help you see how God was at work in your life with any event or problem. Give it some thought and be ready to share your story in Sunday School. If any questions please feel free to contact your Sunday School teacher or me.
A great biblical story of someone sharing a testimony is Paul in Acts 22. Read it for Sunday. You have a story to tell!! Christianity is personal but never private. This is one more valuable tool in your toolbox for serving others.
Keep praying for and serving your ONE.
See ya Sunday!
Pastor Billy