Labor Day is over and cooler weather feels good. September brings us into a new season. Let's make it a season that we GROW in Christ as we GO in Christ.
John Heading will be our guest speaker Sunday morning, September, 10th. He is the Director of Disaster Relief for our state convention. This is a great way to kick off our offering for State Missions since half of this offering goes for disaster relief. The other half goes to help start new churches in Ohio.

Our "Bag Hunger" campaign is to help restock the shelves at our Stowe Mission Food Pantry on Parsons Ave in Columbus. Pick up a grocery bag in the foyer and fill it full of nonperishable food items and then bring the bag back to the foyer table by September 24.

Our church picnic is Sunday September 24 at 5PM at Hargis Lake Picnic Shelter. Bring a side dish/dessert. Church will provide chicken and drinks and eating ware. As usual, we ask each sunday school class to share a song or a skit or a testimony or a tap dance etc...

An old tree was cut down last week at the back parking lot area. Some of the wood is stacked there. It is free if you want it.

Our youth will meet Sunday night.
"Go in Christ. Grow in Christ"
Pastor Billy