We concluded our worship series on Discipleship last week by learning from the Secret Disciple, Joseph of Arimathea. He was quiet about his relationship with Jesus Christ. Finally, he went public about it and boy did he do that in a big way. Learn from Joseph to be bold for Jesus. Don't follow the crowd. Be willing to risk everything for Jesus. Trust the Lord's timing in life. And use your position and influence for maximum Kingdom impact.

This Sunday we start a new series based upon the book of 1 Corinthians. It iis a book about a very messy church to whom God gave some of the most profound words in the Bible. Passages like chapter 13 - the Love Chapter and chapter 15 - the Resurrection Chapter where we find the most extensive evidence for the resurrection in all the Bible. They had lots of problems and Pastor Paul showed them how to overcome them all. Enjoy the journey....
We continue with our Ray Roberts State Mission Offering. Half of this goes for Disaster Relief and half for churches to use in outreach and church planting. We have given $850 to date .
We received another full truckload of free bottles of water. Thanks to our volunteers for delivering and unloading this. Endless supply of free water.
Ministry Team Leaders please pick up your line item budget request form, complete and sign it and return to church office by October 8.