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We concluded our worship series on Discipleship last week by learning from the Secret Disciple, Joseph of Arimathea. He was quiet about his relationship with Jesus Christ. Finally, he went public about it and boy did he do that in a big way. Learn from Joseph to be bold for Jesus. Don't follow the crowd. Be willing to risk everything for Jesus. Trust the Lord's timing in life. And use your position and influence for maximum Kingdom impact.

This Sunday we start a new series based upon the book of 1 Corinthians. It iis a book about a very messy church to whom God gave some of the most profound words in the Bible. Passages like chapter 13 - the Love Chapter and chapter 15 - the Resurrection Chapter where we find the most extensive evidence for the resurrection in all the Bible. They had lots of problems and Pastor Paul showed them how to overcome them all. Enjoy the journey....

We continue with our Ray Roberts State Mission Offering. Half of this goes for Disaster Relief and half for churches to use in outreach and church planting. We have given $850 to date .

We received another full truckload of free bottles of water. Thanks to our volunteers for delivering and unloading this. Endless supply of free water.

Ministry Team Leaders please pick up your line item budget request form, complete and sign it and return to church office by October 8.

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Sunday morning we will hear about the discipleship story of Joseph of Arimathea. It is a very short story. He is often called the Silent Disciple. This was not a compliment. Sometimes wisdom instructs us to be silent, but sometimes silence is pure cowardice. Think of all the good you can accomplish for Christ if you are willing to speak up as an effective and loving witness. This is not a calll to be obnoxious or loud but is a reminder to be bold for Christ.

Bag Hunger! It looks so great to see all the bags filled with non-perishable food items for the Stowe Mission Food Pantry that feeds hundreds every week in the south side of Columbus. We continue collecting for this outreach ministry through September 24 and Sunday is the deadline. We join over 135 churches in central Ohio to support this mission center. Our church picnic is Sunday evening September 24- 5PM at the Hargus Lake Picnic Shelter. Bring a side dish/dessert. As usual, we ask each sunday school class to share a song or a skit or a testimony, etc. The church will provide chicken, drinks, and eating ware. Our State Mission Offering continues throughout September. This offering helps start new churches and supports Disaster Relief.Offering envelopes for this are found in the foyer and around the church. This offering was named for our first State Convention Director, Ray Roberts. He was as solid as a great oak tree. Budget Development season is upon us. We need each ministry to prepare your budget request for the new year. Please return to the church office.


Pastor Billy

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Labor Day is over and cooler weather feels good. September brings us into a new season. Let's make it a season that we GROW in Christ as we GO in Christ.

John Heading will be our guest speaker Sunday morning, September, 10th. He is the Director of Disaster Relief for our state convention. This is a great way to kick off our offering for State Missions since half of this offering goes for disaster relief. The other half goes to help start new churches in Ohio.

Our "Bag Hunger" campaign is to help restock the shelves at our Stowe Mission Food Pantry on Parsons Ave in Columbus. Pick up a grocery bag in the foyer and fill it full of nonperishable food items and then bring the bag back to the foyer table by September 24.

Our church picnic is Sunday September 24 at 5PM at Hargis Lake Picnic Shelter. Bring a side dish/dessert. Church will provide chicken and drinks and eating ware. As usual, we ask each sunday school class to share a song or a skit or a testimony or a tap dance etc...

An old tree was cut down last week at the back parking lot area. Some of the wood is stacked there. It is free if you want it.

Our youth will meet Sunday night.


"Go in Christ. Grow in Christ"

Pastor Billy

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